Paperback Cover Calculations

Paperback Cover Bleeds & Canvas

Any cover content beyond the outer guidelines (0.25”) will be trimmed off the final paperback book. Be sure to keep all active content out of this area. All images or color intended to fully bleed off the edge must extend past the 0.25” guides.

Please do not include printer marks (color bars, registration marks, crop marks, document info or bleed marks) or extra canvas around the cover.

Paperback Spine Calculation

Spine width is calculated by taking the book’s page count and dividing by the paper stock ppi (pages per inch) Next, round raw bulk up to the nearest 1/16th of an inch. BNB offers a downloadable cover calculator to help calculate overall cover dimensions, including paperback spine.

Paperback Tips

Be sure to keep any text or important information from the cover at least 0.25” inside the trim line.

The final trim size of the book is equal to the final size of the finished paperback book.




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