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BNB exemplified as innovator of hardcover “book-of-one” manufacturing
Book-of-one manufacturing: Not just for soft cover anymore...BNB helps make hardcover POD a fast and efficient reality.
The "Book-of-One" binding model, once criticized for its inefficiencies and cost prohibitions, has now become a reality in the digital printing world. A print on demand bindery such as BNB, has shown the benefits of “one book at a time” production – less inventory/warehousing costs and quick turnaround. From ordering to shipping– and all the processes in between - the entire “book-of-one” model has been proven to be a cost effective, efficient way to get books to the end customer.
In a recent blog from Printing Impressions (www.piworld.com), Don Piontek of IBIS Bindery Systems, Ltd. based in the U.K. discussed the challenges of the modern printer/binder with regards to hardcover "book-of-one" production. Compared to soft cover finishing, hardcovers have many more components to marry together into the final product. This necessitates a longer production time, more handling and less efficiency when every unit has the potential to be a different title.
Defending the hardcover “book-of-one” model for BNB is Werner Rebsamen, Professor Emeritus RIT. Rebsamen challenges Piontek to consider companies such as Bridgeport National Bindery who have “amazing technology at work.” Electronic ordering, barcode tracking of book components and drop shipping to customers are all factors which make BNB and the hardcover “book-of-one” a smart choice. Customers such as Amazon can electronically request titles for themselves or their customers, and finished orders are often shipped within 24 hours of receipt. Rebsamen continues that the cost of binding a single hardcover book can be comparable to a 5000 book print run of the same book. “Traditional book manufacturers adjust to this trend,” he concluded, with BNB as a successful example of changing with the times.